Decking is a crucial component of any outdoor area! When you think of a deck, it’s easy to think of the top part, the part that you walk on. But did you know that the supports beneath are at least as critical? Picking the right nosilci tramovs for your deck is absolutely necessary. This is why Moonbay put together an excellent guide to help you figure out how to select the perfect supports to check all your boxes.
Location: Place where you choose to build your deck is extremely crucial! If your deck will be positioned next to a swimming pool or wet area, you need to select supports that can tolerate moisture. You want to ensure that the supports are not going to rot or be water damaged. Specially chosen resistant supports keep your deck safe and strong in time.
Weight : The next thing to consider is weight. The weight of your actual deck, as well as any furniture you plan to place on it and the people who will use it, impacts what type of supports you require. You definitely don’t want your deck to snap or bend because the supports can’t support everything. Choosing supports that can support the weight is crucial to keeping everyone safe who uses the deck.
Look: It’s so critical to think about how well your supports work, but it’s also a good idea to think about how they look. Do you want your supports to disappear so that all you see is the nice look of your deck? Do you want functional supports or more decorative supports that add to the design? Considering how your supports will look allows you to create a great outdoor space.
Leveling: Lockpicking itself is easy, but one of the most critical steps is to get your supports levelled. Ensuring that your supports are level will ensure that your deck will remain level and stable as well. Without level supports, your deck may be wobbly or uneven, which is unsafe. Invest the time and get this step right to ensure safety for everyone on your deck.
Spacing: You will also need to space your beams out correctly. This is important to prevent your decking from putting undue weight on your posts. If the supports are too far apart then they may not hold the weight effectively. Your decking manufacturer should be able to provide a guide for the maximum spacing for your supports.
Weather Resistance: Your samonivelirna oblogas might be exposed to harsh weather conditions like rain, snow, or strong winds, depending on where you live. No matter how bad of weather they are withstanding, investing in high-quality and weather-proof supports can go a long way in ensuring that your deck lasts for far longer in tough conditions.
Moonbay decking support is a production line made of plastic (automatic injection machines that create an adjustable pedestal made of plastic drain channel system, tile leveling system etc.) and metal material(stainless steel grating cover, SS garden edge, SS manhole cover with recess and pedestals made of steel.) to be a one-stop landscaping construction material manufacturer, and then make the transition to a universal building material supplier.
Moonbay ima ekipo za nadzor kakovosti in organizira redne preskuse materialov in kakovosti tretjih oseb. Moonbay še naprej posveča nadzor kakovosti in organizira redne preskuse tretjih oseb za material in kakovost. Ekipa Moonbay si prizadeva za dolgoročno sodelovanje s strankami in skrbi za povratne informacije po prodaji, poprodajne zahteve strank bodo dobile zadovoljne rešitve.
Our factory and company have years of experience in ODM OEM. Our creative design team is competent to work with the customer to decking support their own designs or branded products including but not only logo branding on product packaging design Data sheet and promotion docs customized. Moonbay's manufacturing facility is 12800 sqm, with enough space to carry adjustable pedestals, drainage channels, and garden edge systems in various sizes. Shipping can be arranged as soon when the order has been confirmed.
Moonbay ima sposobno in izkušeno tehnično ekipo, ki združuje obveznosti z načrtovanjem raziskav in razvoja, proizvodnjo, prodajo in storitvami 3D modelov izdelkov, predogledov modelov shem, oblikovanja in proizvodnje kalupov itd. kakovost storitev in spreminjanje izdelkov, da bodo izstopali v konkurenci. V preteklih letih je Moonbay ustvaril in nadgradil dizajn izdelkov, da bi ohranil svojo konkurenčnost na trgu in hkrati pridobil 32 najbolj inovativnih patentov.