Do you want to beautify your floors, patio, or driveway with good tiles? Are you looking for a badass character style that your friend group is surely gonna envy? If you answered yes then you definitely should be using a pedestal system from Moonbay. This system helps you design beautiful spaces that you and your loved ones can enjoy together for years to come.
A nastaviteľné dlaždicové podstavce consists of pedestals holding and leveling tiles made from ceramic or porcelain, or stone. You don’t have to mess with mortar or thinset, which can be finicky. Instead, the pedestals and the tiles snap snugly together to create a firm surface. This surface will not crack, stain or be damaged by water, making it an intelligent decision for your home.
A tile pedestal system also allows you to lay tiles on surfaces that are sloped or uneven. If you are wishing to inspire your outdoor decoration, this becomes more helpful to build beautiful terraces, balconies, and pools. You can easily achieve a simple design with a tile pedestal system, or something more extravagant. There are countless choices and you can really personalize your home.
Safety: There is a high emphasis on safety since it is important for places where people walk. A tile pedestal system, which raises the tiles off the concrete below them, prevents people from slipping by providing a surface that allows water to drain quickly. That means when it rains, the water doesn’t collect, so that’s safer for everybody.
No matter if you have installed tiles in the old-fashioned method, you will know that it was very hard and each time, a mess. First you have to mix the mortar, spread it evenly, lay out the tiles, then you have to clean up all the extra grout. After that, you have hours or even days of waiting for everything to dry before you can walk on it.
But making use of a tile pedestal system makes it sealed easier to install the tiles and saves a lot of time and money. The pedestals are easy to assemble and adjust, and they allow each tile to be leveled perfectly and easily. You can also remove and insert tiles easily whenever you want without breaking the tiles or harming the floor underneath. So that makes it a lot more user friendly for anyone.
A tile pedestal system, for example, can help you create an aesthetically pleasing mosaic wall, or a color-rich kitchen backsplash, a chic countertop or even a stunning fireplace which becomes a centerpiece of your room. You can also disguise an old concrete slab, a ragged wooden deck or a gravel walk that must be updated. Best of all, the sky is the limit, and you can fully turn your ideas into a reality.
Our factory and company have an extensive knowledge of ODM OEM. Our design team is able to work with customers to develop their own custom-designed products that include but not only packaging design, data sheets and promotional material. Moonbay is a factory with 12800 sqm that has enough stock to make adaptable pedestals, drain channels as well as garden edge systems in different sizes. The delivery can be made immediately after tile pedestal system.
Moonbay má schopný a dobre informovaný technický tím, ktorý dokáže integrovať zodpovednosť s navrhovaním výskumu a vývoja, výrobou, predajom a servisom 3D dizajnu produktov, ukážkami modelov schém, návrhom a výrobou foriem. Od nášho založenia od nášho vzniku poskytujeme našim zákazníkom špičkovú úroveň služieb a prispôsobenie našich produktov, aby sme im pomohli vyniknúť v konkurencii. Moonbay neustále zdokonaľuje dizajn svojich produktov a vyvíja aj nové produkty, aby si udržal svoju konkurencieschopnosť na trhu. Získala tiež 32 patentov v oblasti inovatívnych konceptov.
Moonbay nasadí zamestnancov kontroly kvality na výrobnú linku, aby otestovali kvalitu produktu, ako aj skontrolovali vybavenie na testovanie výkonu. Moonbay sa neustále venuje kontrole kvality a organizuje pravidelné testy materiálov a kvality od tretích strán. Tím Moonbay sleduje dlhodobý vzťah spolupráce so zákazníkmi a stará sa o spätnú väzbu po predaji, popredajná požiadavka zákazníkov získa spokojné riešenia.
Moonbay Factory is a production line that include plastic and metal (stainless steel grating covers, SS manhole tile pedestal system, SS garden edges, etc.) and automated injection equipment that produces adjustable pedestals made of plastic and drain channel systems tile leveling systems etc. Create a one-stop building material manufacturer and a one-stop producer of landscape construction materials.