What if you felt really bad when your garage floods after a big rainstorm? It can be very frustrating! When the water comes in it can damage your cars, destroy boxes, tools and other valuable items. It can also stink up your garage pretty bad. But don't worry! Enter trough drain systems from Moonbay, which solve this problem perfectly.
Garages are more than places to park your vehicle. They can also serve many other purposes too, such as a workshop for your hobbies, storing your belongings, or even a comfortable space for your relaxation. If the garage is always flooding, it might be difficult to do much with the space other than park your car. This is where trough drains really shine!
Trough drains are easy to install and take up very little space. By installing trough drains in the garage, it is possible to utilize the entire floor surface. You won’t need to worry about water interrupting or damaging something. With trough drains, SU99 Your garage can be a great place to park your car, work on cool projects, store your stuff safely or just spend time hanging out with friends.
Consider adding trough drains to keep water away from your vehicles. These spaces have specially designed channels for collecting rainwater and moving it away from where you park your car. With control with trough drains, you can park your vehicle sure that it does not fall water inside and cause you troubles. So be sure to do it every so often to keep your car in great shape for as long as possible!
Any water damage can become extremely pricey as well as painstaking to fix. You may be forced to replace belongings or important equipment that the water damaged when your garage floods. This can be a huge hassle! But with the revolutionary trough drainage solutions at Moonbay, you say goodbye to water damage and prevent your garage from becoming a pool for good.
The good thing is that you can have trough drainage systems customized according to your garage. If your garage is larger or located in a flood-prone zone, the specialists at Moonbay can set up a tailored drainage system that collects and directs water away from your possessions.
Moonbay features high-end trough drainage systems with smart technology inbuilt. These consist of high-flow grates, anti-slip surfaces, and chic stainless steel trim. There are so many customizable styles and fitting options make your residential garage more useful, convenient, and secure. And your garage can be a fantastic place for it all!
Our company and our factory have an extensive knowledge of ODM as well as OEM. Our design team is skilled in coordinating with customers to create their own designs or branded products including but not limited to logo branding on products packaging design and data sheets, as well as promotion docs customized. Moonbay is a factory with 12800 sqm with enough stock for adjustable pedestals, drain channels as well as garden edge systems in various sizes. The orders can be trough drain for garage immediately after confirmation.
Grupul tehnic Moonbay este competent și calificat și abil la care include produse de cercetare și dezvoltare, design și producție, vânzări și servicii, previzualizare simulare 3D, proiectare și producție și producție de matrițe etc. De la înființare, oferim constant clienților noștri calitate înaltă. servicii și personalizarea produselor pentru a ieși în evidență și a câștiga în competiția de pe piață. Moonbay și-a îmbunătățit constant designul produsului, precum și a creat produse noi pentru a-și menține poziția pe piață. De asemenea, a primit 32 de brevete în domeniul conceptelor inovatoare.
Moonbay pune echipa QC pe linia de producție pentru a monitoriza calitatea produsului și pentru a inspecta mașina pentru testarea performanței. Moonbay continuă să dedice controlul calității și să organizeze teste regulate de la terți pentru material și calitate. Echipa Moonbay urmărește o relație de cooperare pe termen lung cu clienții și îi pasă de feedback după vânzare, cererea clienților după vânzare va primi soluții satisfăcute.
Moonbay factory brings together production lines made of plastic (automatic injection machines to produce adjustable plastic pedestal, trough drain for garage, tile leveling system etc.) and metal material(stainless steel grating cover, SS garden edge, SS manhole covers with recessed holes, metal pedestals etc. Become a universal building material supplier and a one-stop manufacturer of landscape construction materials.